22 Non-fiction Books To Read in 2022

Read about writing, entrepreneurship and self-help to become a complete freelancer.

Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

Since Jan 2021, I've been a serial reader and an audiobook guzzler.

Though I do wonder what happened to that girl who was found in a corner huddled with a book in hand. without giving an ear even if her mom was screaming from the past half an hour to come for lunch or dinner.

Long story short, I binge read or binge listened to audio books this year so much that I have a premium audible subscription and buy books and audio book left, right and centre.

I am a mom. So that explains why I prefer audio books more than reading. Firstly I am less distracted with audio books and secondly I can hear the author reading(mostly) that is the best part.

As the year is coming to a close, I wanted to note take of the books I read this year. And wanted to recommend them to you in case you are a new freelancer, because you would love them too.

On writing and Copywriting

Scientific Advertising — Claude Hopkins

Covers all the copywriting fundamentals so well that no course can offer. even if you are just a freelance writer and not a copywriter, this book helps you to write persuasively. Its available for free in several open libraries, and even available for free listening on spotify.

My Life in Advertising — Claude Hopkins

The Ad man of Palmolive soaps, Goodyear Tyres, Pepsodent toothpaste and many famous brands tells the story of how his growing up and how he started getting ideas for Ads is enthralling and riveting and a treat to wanna be marketers.

Influence — Robert Cialdini

It changed the way I interact with people forever, (except with my mom) I can say. It’s the bible for marketers and anyone who likes to understand human behavior.

The Practice — Seth Godin

Why must you put out your work to the world? There is no other You in the world. Stop doubting your ability. Go out and do it every day. Practice.

The War of Art — Steven Pressfield

The biggest war, the artists have to fight against is themselves, or rather resistance in themselves… You’d be raising eyebrows too many times realizing how the stealthy enemy has made its way into your creative life.

My Life as a 50-year-old White male. — Carline Cole Anglade

Feels so reassuring to read a book from an African American woman who wrote Ad copy targeting the average 50-year-old White Male. Anything is indeed possible. Talk about that crazy imposter syndrome.

On Writing — Stephen King

The first part, is autobiographical. The second part is value packed till the brim. How not to get lost in description of the scene, using less adverbs, and passive voice.

On Business and Enterepreneurship

Business made simple — Donald Miller

An entire university business degree course from a pro who has done it for hundreds of businesses including his own.

The Four-hour Work Week. — Tim Ferris

Delegate what you can in your business. Outsource. Outsource. Outsource to India, Philippines , Kenya and such countries to maximize your productivity is what I heard. Made for specifically people in Tier 1 countries.

Bob Bly’s Little Book of Business Wisdom

A collection of business articles collated in order. Refer it when needed kind of reference book which makes it a must have in any entrepreneurs library.

Bob Bly’s Guide to Freelance Writing Success

Be warned of a steady flow of ideas bombardign your brain for your freelance writing business. Bly shows unique paths or un touched industries you could take up as a freelancer that you have not realized so far. Industries you’d have no idea will start showing up.
Note to myself: Read it again soon.

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It — Chris Voss

Ive got much success in personal and professional life using the science of human nature described in the book. I always gave in during an argument or any discussion, even though I knew I was right.
Enter This book, and people around me think twice before dis-agreeing with me. And I carry myself with oore self-confidence due to this one book.

The Compound Effect — Darren Hardy

Something the new millelials and why any impatient soul or any one who thinks he/she is always rushing things or things are not just working out. Welcome to the compound effect. Nothing in life grows in a day. give it time, give it what ouve got. and see it stand up in front of you. A reality check for any over night millionare dreamers.

Self help and Motivational

Think and Grow Rich — Napoleon Hill

Hands down the best self-help book ever/ It does and did wonders on my self-belief and confidence in my writing ability soared. Listened to it twice on audible and trying to read the physical copy now. All books are mere copies of this book published in 1937. Detailed, actionable and
There ae many audio versions and its also available for free listen on Spotify.
One Takeaway: You can train your mind in psychological ways to take action and achieve the dream life you so desire.

The Science of Getting Rich — Wallace D. Wattles

This is a 1910 published book but it is still 101% relevant in today’s time.s
It is a short read but absolutely no BS. and value packed.
Any great achievement is first an idea. How best to convert it into reality? Read the book

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck — Mark Manson

Straight talk from someone whos been there like drugs, loud music, and difficult childhood. Accepting life as it is and making ketchup when the world throws tomatoes at you. Worth a one-time listen.

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life — Jen Sincero

Fresh ideas and a mix of many self-help books. Her voice filled with enthusiasm is all you need to get your spirits up.

You need your body more than it needs you.

Man's search for meaning — Viktor E. Frankl

The author is a psychologist and what makes this book a must read is he was a Hitler's Nazi concentration camp survivor. How can humans survive the worst of situations?
It can't get any raw and any more real.

Big Magic — Elizabeth Gilbert

Honestly didn't enjoy it as at some parts it didn't align with my thoughts and situations. She says she does not force her love of writing to hep her make a living. It can never work by force she says. But there are many writers eking out a living . and other thing, she says an idea that she didn't consider working can move on to a different person. the idea travels from your mind, your heart and soul into the other person whom the idea thinks can piut it out. quite woo woo for me. But a best seller nevertheless.

Get a F*cking Grip : How to Get Your Life Back on Track —Matthew Kimberley

I knew every single thing in this book, but I needed to hear it. So if you want a friend or a guru or a motivation to start taking action, this ones for you.

QUIT WAITING ON being told stuff is OK. What are you, six? That said, you had more balls when you were six, didn’t you?

Eat Pray Love — Elizabeth Gilbert

You cannot stop listening. Liz starts a year long travel to get herself into physical , mental and emotional shape. And how? Theres no reason to not read/listen to this book. Especially if you're feeling low, or let down and need someone to lift your chin p, hold you and tell you its going to be ok. this will do. Take a listen as she eats her pizzas with cheese in Italy, while learning Italian, meditates like a saint in India n ashram and finds back her balance and a love in Bali, Indonesia.

Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life — Nir Eyal

Nothing out of the box, and sad to say somehow didn't stick in my mind. But worth a listen/read if you like a tap on your shoulder when you're too distracted.

Ego is the Enemy — Ryan Holiday

Lots of quotes from ancient Greek, Roman, Indian texts that speak about how and why Ego is our enemy. We haven't changed in centuries , i just realized.
Ego is the enemy and obstacle is the way is the message. Bit if you enjoy stoic syings, you'll enjoy it. else, its a one time read/listen.

Books I am still reading and somewhere in between

  1. Pre-suation — Robert Cialdini
  2. This is Marketing — Seth Godin
  3. Triggers — Joseph Sugarman
  4. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living — Dale Carnegie
  5. How to Win friends and Influence People — Dale Carnegie
  6. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Getting your Shit Together — John Carlton
  7. How to Write Funny — Scott Dikkers
  8. The Well-Fed Writer: Financial Self-Sufficiency as a Commercial Freelancer in Six Months or Less — Peter Bowerman

To be a good writer, reading is crucial is my realization. Gratefully I love to read and looking forward to a book wormy 2022.

Listen to all self-help books, and read books about writing, copywriting and entrepreneurship is what I would advice.

Happy New Year Ahead!

Note: This article contains Amazon affiliate links, because I love to promote great books. But feel free to not use it of course. ;)

