5 Things I Wish I Knew As a Brand New Freelancer

#4 might surprise you.

Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

New freelancer on the block, eh? Your mind can explode into scattered bits with ideas and information overload. Just google freelance writing or copywriting, and you’ll fall deeper than the hole into which Alice once fell.

Before you waste another minute binge-watching how to get started or how much a freelancer can earn in one year, I’ll get you pre-started with my no-BS steps; you can start as soon as you finish reading this.

1. Create a Separate Email Address

You’ll subscribe to several newsletters initially. Experts throw in a bunch of freebies, aka bait-cheese, to grow their newsletters on their websites. As a newbie, you’ll often feel compelled to subscribe to every other newsletter.

But giving your primary email address everywhere is asking for an inbox flood.

If you’re an experienced 9–5er, you might have previous companies’ offer letters, statements and receipts of your EMIs, investments, and other important conversations in your primary email.

So use a new email address for your new career. Another important tip is to keep a tab on e-mails that make you yawn and often lie un-opened. Make sure to hit unsubscribe to such emails.



Brinda Koushik | Copywriter | Mom | Avid Reader

Writer, Marketing Infopreneur, Mom of 2 munchkins, Children's book author, and an Optimist Forever. On a mission to inspire a million moms realize their power.