My Second Innings on Medium. Worth It or Not?

It’s not going to be easy… But that’s still ok. Or is it?

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

Back in 2020, I was in Germany and was in the partner program. When I relocated to India in 2022, I had to opt out of the partner program as Stripe was not supporting payments in India.

As a surprise announcement this week, just as I was wondering if Medium will ever support India, Medium has opened its doors to writers of 77 more countries.

With mixed feelings, I rejoined the partner program as Medium now supports my country.

Have you heard it already? If not read on…

What’s more? Writing in the platform has been always free.

But earning from your writing gives you another level of motivation.

Exited, huh? Same!
Earning a living writing what you want to seems too good a dream. But it’s going to come true. Of course if people want to read everything you write.

Sure, to get paid for your words, Medium needs you to become a paid member.

The good news — The membership fee depends on your country.

For India it is about $20 per year(with the initial discount) as compared to $50 for US.



Brinda Koushik | Copywriter | Mom | Avid Reader

Writer, Marketing Infopreneur, Mom of 2 munchkins, Children's book author, and an Optimist Forever. On a mission to inspire a million moms realize their power.